Quick Setup For Google Clasp

Jason Jurotich
8 min readOct 5, 2020

Google Clasp is a Node.js library that you can use to edit Google Apps Script (GAS) in a local manner, using your own IDE. I like using it more than trying to play around with the GAS interface (although there are advantages to using it, like the debugger).

I use Neovim now, so I use COC for intelisense and auto-complete. It works pretty well and gives you most of what you need for an IDE. In this case, as long as you add the right extensions, it will autocomplete methods just like in a normal GAS document. Most of this I have already setup here in this Github repository, if you…



Jason Jurotich

Masters in Philosophy, Author, Professor, Consultant, Tech Promoter and Programming Novice. www.jjir.org